歷時四個多月,終於完成Wonder Woman(神力女超人)電影英語分析
為加強口說訓練,eBook-26起,每篇增加Chinese to English和Echo Method兩單元
Chinese to English 的目的是訓練道地的英語,Echo Method的目的是訓練流暢的口音
A2(初級): 39
B1(中級): 49
B2(中高): 37
C1(高級): 42
C2(精通): 20
1) MP4檔案(無字幕)
2) MP3檔案
3) PPT檔案
1) 隱藏中英字幕,全文重新翻譯,修正電影錯誤中譯
* 比方:"For one, you don't know how to dance.",電影翻譯:"首先,你不會跳舞",正確翻譯:"就我個人看法,你不會跳舞"
2) 每段影片5-15秒,重複播放,訓練聽力
3) 口說訓練(Chinese to English, Echo Method)
4) 片語和單字整理,全部英語配音
5) 用語感學文法(if any)
Chinese to English 使用方式:
1) 看中文,嘗試翻譯,不怕錯誤,開口說出來
2) 聆聽參考答案
3) 跟讀
4) 打開英文字幕,糾正錯誤
6) 反覆練習,直到說出正確答案
Echo Method 使用方式:
1) 電影實際英語自動播放
2) 聽電腦配音,比較差距
3) 將聲音印在腦裡
4) 將腦中聲音讀出來
5) 打開中英字幕,糾正錯誤
6) 反覆練習,直到流利開口
對這種情境式學習有興趣的朋友,希望多多支持Verb Master English,網址如下:
* 下面187句,先想想自己會怎麼說,然後看英文,會有很多意想不到的收穫
【A2 初級】
A2: 妳受傷了嗎?
Are you hurt?
A2: 我們該放了他嗎?
Should we let him go?
A2: 有很多事妳不懂的
There is much you do not understand.
A2: 這是隻錶,用來看時間
It's a watch. It tells time.
A2: 一言為定
A2: 我們要多久才能抵達戰場?
How long until we reach the war?
A2: 你等著瞧
You'll see.
A2: 你可能想要睡一下
Maybe you'd want to get some sleep.
A2: 我也不知道
I have no idea.
A2: 你自己決定
It's up to you.
A2: 他們為何要手牽手?
Why are they holding hands?
A2: 我們又不是男女朋友
We're not together.
A2: 這樣行不通的
That's not going to work.
A2: 讓我自己來
Let me try it by myself.
A2: 麻煩把劍放下
Please put the sword down.
A2: 我親眼見識過那毒氣
I've seen that gas with my own eyes.
A2: 不可能改變他的想法的
There was no chance of changing his mind.
A2: 她跟我一起的,是我們自己人
She's with me. She's with us.
A2: 各位,失陪片刻
Gentlemen, excuse me one second.
A2: (錢)給你兄弟,不用找了
Here you go, pal. Keep the change.
A2: 你一定感到非常驕傲
You should be very proud.
A2: 妳會著涼的
You're gonna get cold.
A2: 他眼睛看得到鬼
He sees ghosts.
A2: 他剛剛見鬼了
He just saw ghosts.
A2: 我在講電話
I'm on the phone.
A2: 稍等一下
Hold on one second.
A2: 【電話】我快聽不見你說話了
I’m losing you.
A2: 妳不可以去參加宴會
You‘re not going to the gala.
A2: 這是妳自找的
You asked for it.
A2: 妳認為呢,黛安娜?
What do you say, Diana?
A2: 妳不可以進去,太危險了
You're not going in. It's too dangerous.
A2: 我認識你嗎?
Have we met?
A2: 你幹什麼?閃開!
What are you doing? Out of my way!
A2: 我要做什麼你管不著
What I do is not up to you.
A2: 你等著看
We'll see about that.
A2: 你很快就會知道
You will soon find out.
A2: 誰啊?
Who's there?
A2: 我想到了一個辦法
I've got an idea.
A2: 你誤解他們了
You're wrong about them.
【B1 中級】
B1: 妳讓我別無選擇
You left me no choice
B1: 他回來是遲早的事
t is only a matter of time before he returns.
B1: 自己人哪會打自己人?
What man fights against his own people?
B1: 那你為穿他們同樣顏色衣服?
Then why do you wear their colors?
B1: 是阿瑞斯讓那些德國人打仗
It is Ares who has these Germans fighting.
B1: 我高於平均一般標準
I am above average.
B1: 妳英文為何那麼好?
How come you speak English so well?
B1: 我不能怪她
I can't say I blame her.
B1: 阿瑞斯?也就是戰神嗎?
Ares? As in, the God of War?
B1: 精神可嘉
I appreciate your spirit.
B1: 所以,除非我嫁給你,否則你不會跟我睡
So, you cannot sleep with me unless I marry you.
B1: 這裡的空間很大
There's plenty of room.
B1: 這個厲害(吼犀利啊)
That's neat.
B1: 我們時間不夠了
We have run out of time.
B1: 我信任的是你
It is you that I believe in.
B1: 昨晚我突然想到一件事
Something did come to me last night.
B1: 「醜死了」 「是啊,每個人的品味不同」
“It's hideous.” “Yeah, It's not for everybody.”
B1: 我們得先把這本筆記交給我的上級
We gotta get this notebook to my superiors.
B1: 那個不是黏土做的
That one's not made out of clay.
B1: 他外出好幾個星期,音訊全無
He's been gone for weeks. Not a single word.
B1: 「至少試穿一下嘛」 「好吧」
"Try it on, at least." "Very well."
B1: 這叫時尚,可以把小腹變平
It's fashion. Keeps our tummies in.
B1: 我們回辦公室見如何?
Why don't I meet you back at the office.
B1: 請她出去
See her out.
B1: 你瘋了嗎?
Are you insane?
B1: 你什麼都不准做,這是命令
You will do nothing, and that is an order.
B1: 你應該感到羞愧
You should be ashamed.
B1: 酋長預計我們在天黑前會到
Chief's expecting us before dark.
B1: 騙子、殺人犯,現在又加上蛇頭,妙極
A liar, a murderer, and now a smuggler. Lovely.
B1: 說來話長,現在不要討論這個
It's a long story. We don't have to talk about that right now.
B1: 願大家心想事成
May we get what we want!
B1: 他就是這樣,不是有意的
He doesn't mean anything by it.
B1: 他剛才不是有意的
He didn’t mean anything by it.
B1: 我把他從海裡(搶)救出來
I plucked him from the sea.
B1: 她一個人承受全部的火力
She's taking all the fire!
B1: 朋友們,千萬不要動
Stay very, very still for me, my friends.
B1: 替各位照相是我的莫大榮幸
This has been such an honor for me, taking your photograph.
B1: 完全合理
It makes complete sense.
B1: 以我的個人觀點來看,你不會跳舞
For one, you don't know how to dance.
B1: 你靠得好近喔
You're awfully close.
B1: 這就是它的用意
That's what it's all about.
B1: 或許沒有我你們會好一點
Maybe you're better off without me.
B1: 別擔心,裝作沒事,你沒問題的,你搞得定的
Don't worry, play it cool. You got this. You got this.
B1: 希望我這樣子不會太超過
I hope I am not crossing a line.
B1: 你對古希臘歷史人物(Greeks)很熟嘛
You know your Ancient Greeks.
You stopped me from killing Ares!
B1: 離我遠一點!
Stay away from me!
B1: 我們得靠自己了
We're on our own.
B1: 我不是妳想的那種人
I am not what you thought I was.
B1: 喔,小朋友,你還太嫩了(你還差遠了)
Oh, my dear, you have so much to learn.
【B2 中高級】
B2: 我吃足苦頭才學這個教訓
I learned this the hard way.
B2: 妳最終會明白為何戰爭不會帶來任何好處
You will finally understand why war is nothing to hope for.
B2: 他跟我並肩對抗侵略者
He fought at my side against the invaders.
B2: 我們應該現在就殺了他,一了百了
We should kill him now and be done with it.
B2: 抗拒不但沒用,而且會很痛苦
It is pointless, and painful, to resist.
B2: 你認為你是你同性別中的一般平均標準嗎?
Would you say you're a typical example of your sex?
B2: 我之前一直沒機會說,謝謝妳把我從海裡撈出來
I didn't get a chance to say this earlier, but thank you for dragging me out of the water.
B2: 我教你怎麼離開這座島,你則要帶我去找阿瑞斯
I will show you the way off the island and you will take me to Ares.
B2: 我不能坐視百姓無辜喪命
I cannot stand by while innocent lives are lost.
B2: 這件物品曾屬於我族史上最偉大的戰士,我們摯愛的安提奧佩,妳一定要配得上它
This belonged to the greatest warrior in our history, our beloved Antiope. Make sure you are worthy of it.
B2: 這場戰爭打得一蹋糊塗,你我幫不了太多的
This war is a great big mess and there's not a whole lot you and I can do about that.
B2: 我跟妳說,在我老家,大家可不認為我很普通
You know, where I come from, I'm not considered average.
B2: 各位先生,眼睛別亂瞄,感謝配合
Gentlemen, eyes to yourself. Thank you so much.
B2: 現在,這東西先讓我保管吧
Meanwhile, I'll take this for safekeeping.
B2: 這東西跟妳這套服裝造型不搭
It doesn't go with the outfit.
B2: 這東西交給她,盾牌也給她,沒問題吧?
Just hand that over and the shield to her. You got it?
B2: 解密不成功
Cryptography have had no luck.
B2: 要是這女人看得懂,我們應該聽聽她會說些什麼
If this woman can read it, we should hear what she has to say.
B2: 你沒有堅持你的立場
You didn't stand your ground!
B2: 我把他的酒杯當成是我的,這種事常發生
I mistook his glass for mine. It happens.
B2: 我又不是在說你
I wasn't referring to you.
B2: 說話注意一點,我可能會生氣
Careful, I might get offended.
B2: 將軍,委員會會議你沒到場
You were absent at the council meeting, General.
B2: 如果你們有這麼一點信心,我們就可以輕鬆獲勝
We could easily win this war, if only you had a little faith.
B2: 每拖延一個小時,就會有上千德國人喪命
Every hour we delay costs thousands of German lives.
B2: 我們反對你和你的女巫
We stand against you and your witch.
B2: 我們得在日落前趕到下一個地點
We need to make our next position by sundown.
B2: 她在搞什麼碗糕?
What the bloody hell is she playing at?
B2: 他老吹他很會射擊,卻一槍都開不了
For all his talk of shooting he cannot shoot.
B2: 要是妳想去打戰神,我還是先教妳跳舞好了
If you're gonna be fighting the God of War, I may as well teach you how to dance.
B2: 殺了他戰爭就會結束嗎?別傻了
Only by killing him will the war end? Don’t be daft.
B2: 我認為她在戰場上還蠻像臥底的
I would say she was pretty undercover on that battlefield.
B2: 我發現你的注意力放在別的地方
I see your attention is elsewhere.
B2: 我承認我不知道我們到底(it is)在慶祝什麼?
I confess I'm not sure what it is we're celebrating.
B2: 要不是你,我本來可以救他們
I could have saved them if it weren't for you.
B2: 不好意思,我有其他要事要忙
Unfortunately, I have another matter to attend to.
B2: 妳就這點能耐嗎?
Is that all you have to offer?
【C1 高級】
C1: 我喬裝成他們的飛行員一同飛過去
I posed as one of their pilots and flew in with them.
C1: 前線的弟兄稱她做毒藥博士是有道理的
The boys in the trenches called her "Dr. Poison" and for good reason.
C1: 據我所知,倘若馬如博士完成她的研發,死傷會有上百萬,戰爭永遠不會停止
From what I could tell, if Dr. Maru was able to complete her work, millions more would die, the war would never end.
C1: 看這戰爭的走勢,我不會讓我在乎的人涉入
The way this war is going, I wouldn't want to let anyone I care about near it.
C1: 要是看見世上有不平之事,你可以袖手旁觀,也可以挺身而出
If you see something wrong happening in the world, you can either do nothing, or you can do something.
C1: 一旦我找到並摧毀阿瑞斯,德軍就能擺脫他的左右,他們會改邪歸正
Once I find and destroy Ares, the German armies will be freed from his influence and they will be good men again.
C1: 只要德皇看見這最新武器,他就不會簽停戰協議
As soon as the Kaiser sees the newest weapon, he will not sign the armistice.
C1: 這就是妳來到世上的使命
It is what you were put on this earth to do.
C1: 這是我們事先說好的,史提夫崔佛,說好的就是承諾,承諾是不能打破的
We made a deal, Steve Trevor. And a deal is a promise. And a promise is unbreakable.
C1: 我們運氣好搭到便車,爭取到不少時間
We got lucky (that) we caught a ride. We made some good time.
C1: 我們的任務艱鉅,對吧?
We've got our work cut out for us, haven't we?
C1: 在你們國家,大家把這東西當作盔甲?
Is this what passes for armor in your country?
C1: 我們主要目的是要讓她看起來不那麼引人注意
The whole point was to make her look less distracting.
C1: 必要的情況之下,我不反對使用一點暴力
I am not opposed to engaging in a bit of fisticuffs, should the occasion arise.
C1: 我相信你身上有魯登道夫將軍的東西
I believe you have something that is the property of General Ludendorff.
C1: 不幸的是,大多數的人都不知道他們為何而戰
The sad truth is, the majority of them don't even know what they're fighting for!
C1: 聽說你在執行任務中陣亡,現在卻起死回生出現在這兒,看來還帶了朋友一起
I heard we'd lost you on one of your missions, yet here you are, back from the dead, and I see you've brought a friend with you.
C1: 在下是派翠克摩根爵士
Sir Patrick Morgan, at your service.
C1: 德國是一個極其自豪的國家,他們永遠不會投降
Germany is an immensely proud nation. They will never surrender.
C1: 不惜一切代價達成和平,是我們目前的唯一目標
Our only aim at this time must be to achieve peace, at any cost!
C1: 我們得送去解密室,然後我要立刻謁見將軍們
We need to get it to cryptography and I need an immediate audience with the generals.
C1: 長官,恕我直言,我任務中的所見所聞,足以改變戰況
Sir, with all due respect, what I saw in my last mission could change the course of the war.
C1: 多虧這位小姐,廳裡終於安靜,讓我能講幾句話
Thanks to this young woman, the room was finally quiet enough for me to get at least a few words in.
C1: 長官,我認為這裡面含有足以改變戰況的資訊
I think the information contained inside will change the course of the war, sir.
C1: 魯登道夫最後一次出現是在比利時
Ludendorff was last seen in Belgium.
C1: 你們會眼睜睜犧牲這些人的生命,好像他們的命不值錢(沒你的珍貴)
You would knowingly sacrifice all those lives, as if they mean less than yours!
C1: 要是我身子好一點,我相信我也會做一樣的事
Had I been in better health, I'd like to think that I might do the same.
C1: 我裝成別人當臥底,又在妳們沙灘上(槍)殺人,又走私一本筆記
I went undercover and pretended to be somebody else, shot people on your beach, and smuggled a notebook.
C1: 目前糧食、藥品和彈藥都短缺
There are shortages of food, medicine, ammunition.
C1: 另一頭,有一批德軍機關槍瞄準這裡每一寸土地
On the other side, there are a bunch of Germans pointing machine guns at every square inch of this place.
C1: 人在江湖,身不由己
Not everyone gets to be what they want to be all the time.
C1: 情報指出,魯登道夫要辦一場宴會
Intel reports that Ludendorff is hosting a gala.
C1: 你不用擔心會攪亂和平協議
You shouldn't be bothered about upsetting the peace accord.
C1: 我認為他們不會跳舞
I would argue that they don't know how to dance.
C1: 我得趕緊整一套德國軍服出來
I gotta rustle up a German uniform.
C1: 你是說我們穿越泥濘和大雨一路開來,結果你居然弄丟我的邀請函?
Are you saying we drove all the way through the mud and rain only for you to lose my invitation?
C1: 勝利?但(when)我聽說和平即將來臨
Victory? When I hear peace could be so close.
As magnificent as you are, you are still no match for me.
C1: 宙斯讓他與亞馬遜女王生的女兒來當作對付我的武器
Zeus left the child he had with the Queen of the Amazons as a weapon to use against me.
C1: 要是墜機,會殺光50平方英里內的所有人,我們絕不能讓它起飛
If it crashes, it'll wipe everyone out for 50 square miles! We gotta ground it.
C1: 憑空想像自己會贏是沒用的,認輸吧,黛安娜
It is futile to imagine you can win. Give up, Diana.
C1: 她是這些人類的最好範例,不管從哪方面看都沒一點值得妳同情
She is the perfect example of these humans and unworthy of your sympathy in every way.
【C2 精通】
C2: 越是靠近它,越能看到這它內部醞釀的巨大邪惡
The closer you get, the more you see the great darkness simmering within.
C2: 妳宙斯創造由眾神管理的生靈,這些生靈長得像他,美麗又善良、堅強又熱情
Zeus created beings over which the Gods would rule - beings born in his image, fair and good, strong and passionate.
C2: 宙斯之子越來越嫉妒人類,並意圖(seek to)腐化父親的造物
Zeus's son grew envious of mankind and sought to corrupt his father's creation.
C2: 他們一直都這樣,以後也會是這樣,軟弱、殘忍、自私,專做極端恐怖的事(horrors)
They have always been, and always will be weak, cruel, selfish, and capable of the greatest horrors.
C2: 阿瑞斯用嫉妒和多疑毒化人心,他造成人類彼此對立,戰爭蹂躪世界
Ares poisoned men's hearts with jealousy and suspicion. He turned them against one another and war ravaged the Earth.
C2: 妳的母親,亞馬遜女王率領我們起義(revolt),讓大家脫離奴隸生活
Your mother, the Amazon Queen, led a revolt that freed us all from enslavement.
C2: 我不會讓天堂島毫無防衛,派兵去打別人的仗
I will not deploy our army and leave Themyscira defenseless to go and fight their war.
C2: 我們會走到法官面前,發誓彼此相愛、尊重,珍惜,至死不渝
You go before a judge and you swear to love, honor and cherish each other until death do you part.
C2: 他們最終結論是,男人最重要的功能只是繁衍後代,如果說要肉體歡愉,不需要男人
They came to the conclusion that men are essential for procreation, but when it comes to pleasure, unnecessary.
C2: 看來似乎是兩種語言的混合,但目前為止他們仍無法確認是哪兩種語言
It seems like it's a mixture of two languages, but, as yet, they've failed to determine which two languages.
C2: 都到了最後階段,我不能採取魯莽行動
I can't introduce rogue elements this late in the game.
C2: 尤其是現在,停戰協議至關重要
Now, more than ever, the armistice is of paramount importance.
C2: 既然是這樣,為了降低嫌疑,可愛的艾塔就在我這兒的辦公室坐鎮指揮
In that case, to allay suspicion, the charming Etta here could run the mission from my office here.
C2: 我們去展示給德皇看
Time to stage a demonstration for the Kaiser!
C2: 我絕不允許你明晚去那個派對,聽了嗎?
You are, under no circumstances, to go anywhere near that gala tomorrow night. Do you hear me?
C2: 你會危及我們努力的一切,你不能破壞停戰協議
You'd be jeopardizing everything we've worked for. You cannot compromise the armistice.
C2: 我還是得先規劃一下明天的流程
I still have to plot the course for tomorrow.
C2: 我建議我們先去詳細觀察整個區域,以防急忙撤退之需
I say you and me scope out the area in case we need to beat a hasty retreat.
C2: 那就像是活生生的熵反應,最終極的毀滅武器,提醒我們,一切終歸塵土
It is like a living act of entropy, the ultimate weapon of destruction reminding us that in the end everything eventually returns to the ash (that) it came from.
C2: 奉世間所有善良萬物之名,我在此完結亞馬遜族人的任務,將你從世界永遠消除
In the name of all that is good in this world, I hereby complete the mission of the Amazons by ridding this world of you forever!